Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobara (also known by the abbreviated OUATIMD) is an upcoming Bollywood crime gangster film directed byMilan Luthria and produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor. It is a sequel to the 2010 hit film Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai. The project features Akshay Kumar, Sonakshi Sinha, Imran Khan and Sonali Bendre in signed roles respectively. The film, earlier known as Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai Again was renamed to its present name on 13 June 2013[2] . The film is expected to release on Independence Day, 15th August 2013, thus avoids clashing with Rohit Shetty directorial Chennai Express which is releasing one week earlier on 8th August 2013. The trailer released on 28th May 2013.
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