Bollywood actor Salman Khan gets 10 years life imprisonment in hit-and-run case. The court rejects the actor’s review plea and he is tried of culpable homicide. Salman Khan is found guilty of under section 304 (II). He is tried for rash driving and culpable homicide not amounting to murder. He is mostly likely to get 10 years in jail term, which is the maximum punishment as per the section.
On Monday, session court rejects Salman Khan’s plea which challenged the Bandra metropolitan magistrate court’s order. 11 years ago Salman’s run his car over the pavement of bakery shop an killed two people and injured few others.
Judge UB Hejib said that the magistrate’s court’s order is correct and the actor is guilty of culpable homicide and his appeal was dismissed. The magistrate concluded that Salman Khan knew he must not drive the vehicle in a drunken condition and at a high speed.
Khan had filed appeal in February 2013 after the magistrate court had accepted the state government’s plea of enhancing the charges against the actor. The actor’s counsel, advocate Ashok Mundergi at the time of filling the appeal argued that the magistrate had overlooked the defence witnesses; hence, they wanted to challenge the order in sessions court.
However, judge Hejib observed, “I find myself unable to subscribe with the submissions advanced by the defence lawyers that the learned magistrate has come to a wrong conclusion; the defence has not taken into account the cross-examination of prosecution’s witness.”
The court has also taken into consideration the complaint of police officer Ravindra Patil who was with Salman in the car while he was driving the car. Patil who was succumbed to toberculosis in October 2007 in his statement said that he had warned the actor to drive slowly in order to avoid any mishap
On September 28, 2002, Salman's Toyota Land Cruiser had rammed into a bakery in Bandra killing one and injuring four others who were sleeping on a pavement.
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On Monday, session court rejects Salman Khan’s plea which challenged the Bandra metropolitan magistrate court’s order. 11 years ago Salman’s run his car over the pavement of bakery shop an killed two people and injured few others.
Judge UB Hejib said that the magistrate’s court’s order is correct and the actor is guilty of culpable homicide and his appeal was dismissed. The magistrate concluded that Salman Khan knew he must not drive the vehicle in a drunken condition and at a high speed.
Khan had filed appeal in February 2013 after the magistrate court had accepted the state government’s plea of enhancing the charges against the actor. The actor’s counsel, advocate Ashok Mundergi at the time of filling the appeal argued that the magistrate had overlooked the defence witnesses; hence, they wanted to challenge the order in sessions court.
However, judge Hejib observed, “I find myself unable to subscribe with the submissions advanced by the defence lawyers that the learned magistrate has come to a wrong conclusion; the defence has not taken into account the cross-examination of prosecution’s witness.”
The court has also taken into consideration the complaint of police officer Ravindra Patil who was with Salman in the car while he was driving the car. Patil who was succumbed to toberculosis in October 2007 in his statement said that he had warned the actor to drive slowly in order to avoid any mishap
On September 28, 2002, Salman's Toyota Land Cruiser had rammed into a bakery in Bandra killing one and injuring four others who were sleeping on a pavement.
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